TOK America

Location: Portland, OR  |  Client: TOK America |Civil Engineering Spotlight

VLMK Engineering + Design provided the  civil engineering for the TOK America Expansion.

This is the new stormwater pond built as part of the TOK America Manufacturing Expansion. The original pond was designed & built in the early 90’s and had developed a beautiful ecosystem within the pond area. We were able to take advantage of the existing storm pond by retaining vegetation along the pond banks to maintain the beauty of the existing pond while also minimizing re-planting during the pond expansion. To meet modern water quality and detention requirements, the pond was expanded and re-graded, along with an upgraded outflow control structure. Bringing the pond up to current water quality standards required 93,000 grass plugs along the pond bottom, with additional plantings along the expanded pond banks. This design approach provided optimal plant life along with modernized pond functionality. Stormwater leaving the new pond will be cleaner while also minimizing erosion and flooding in our streams and rivers.